Iranian Urology and Renal Transplantation Center

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Laparoscopic Ureterolysis for Retroperitoneal Fibrosis

Akbar Nooralizadeh, Sepehr Hamedanchi, Ammar Alkaabi, Hasan Hoshyar
Endourology Urolaparascopy
Shahid Labbafinejad Medical CenterShahid Beheshti University of Medical SciencesTehranIran.


Main Description

A 38 yr old man with bilateral dull flank pain.
Ultrasound revealed bilateral HNF and proximal hydroureter.
Lab data: elevated Bun, Cr, mild ESR
Non contract CT: moderate bilateral HNF without stone
Medical Hx: Propranolol (anxiety), SSRI (depression)
Ureteroscopy showed no intraluminal obstruction.
Multiple trials of Dj were unsuccessful after extraction.
