Iranian Urology and Renal Transplantation Center

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laparoscopic retroperitoneal ureterolithotomy

Nasser Shakhssalim, Mehrdad Mohammadi Sichani
Endourology Urolaparascopy
shaheed labbafinejad medical centertehraniran
ureteral stonelaparoscopyureterolithotomy


A 50 year old man with right renal colic was evaluated.Imaging study revealed two small proximal ureteral stone.Two session of ESWL were not succesful,and ureteroscopy was failed because of kinking of ureter.The patient had an extensive midline scar due to previous laparotomy (perforated peptic ulcer),then we dicided to perform Retroperitoneal laparoscopic ureterolithotomy.

Main Description

There are many options for treatment of ureteral stones(ESWL,TUL,PNL,laparoscopy).In this video we tries to show that how is it easy to removed proximal ureteral stones with reteroperitoneal approach. It seems that laparoscopic reteroperitoneal ureterolithotomy is the best option for such cases(failed ureteroscopy and extensive intraabdominal surgery).
